Here's the corresponding TikZ code (using chemfig):
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,landscape]{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shadows} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{tikzpicture} %% ----------------- A little Quiz ---------------------------- %% Which of the following Compounds are aromatic? %% \node at (3,-1) {\bf Which of the following compounds are aromatic? \rm}; %% Cyclopenta = cyclopentadienylanion! \coordinate (Cyclopenta) at (0,-3); \node at (Cyclopenta) {\chemfig{*5(@{C1}-=-=-)}}; \chemmove{ \node[anchor = north] at (C1) {\chemfig{\ominus}}; } %% Naphtalene \coordinate (Naphta) at (4,-3); \node at (Naphta) {\chemfig{[:-60]*6(=-=-=-)-[::-150]=^[::60]-[::60]=^[::60]-[::60]}}; %% Antracene \coordinate (Antra) at (10,-3); \node at (Antra) {\chemfig{[:-60]((*6(=-=-(-[::-60]=_[::-60]-[::-60]=_[::-60]-[::-60])%% =-))-[::-150]=^[::60]-[::60]=^[::60]-[::60])}}; %% Next Line %% More Molecules %% Cyclopropanylanion and Cyclopropanylcathion \coordinate (Propanion) at (0,-6); \node at (Propanion) {\chemfig{-[::60]@{C2}-[::-120]=[::-120]}}; \chemmove{ \node[ anchor = south ] at (C2) {$\ominus$}; } \coordinate (Propcathion) at (2,-6); \node at (Propcathion) {\chemfig{-[::60]@{C3}-[::-120]=[::-120]}}; \chemmove{ \node[ anchor = south ] at (C3) {$\oplus$}; } %% Cyclobutane \coordinate (Cyclobut) at (4,-6); \node at (Cyclobut) {\chemfig{*4(-=-=-)}}; %% Cyclobutane-cathion \coordinate (Cyclobutcathion) at (6,-6); \node at (Cyclobutcathion) {\chemfig{*4(-=-=)}}; \coordinate (Q) at (5.5,-6.5); \node[anchor = north east] at (Q) {$\oplus$}; %% Cyclobutane-anion \coordinate (Cyclobutanion) at (8,-6); \node at (Cyclobutanion) {\chemfig{*4(-=-=)}}; \coordinate (Q') at (7.5,-6.5); \node[anchor = north east] at (Q') {$\ominus$}; %% Some more fancy molecules \coordinate (TwoProp) at (10,-6); \node at (TwoProp) {\chemfig{@{N}-[::60]=[::-120](-[::120]@{N'}-[::+120])-[::-120]}}; \chemmove{ \node[ anchor=north ] at (N) {$\oplus$};\node[anchor=south] at (N') {$\oplus$}; } %% Solution: \node at (-0.6,-8) {\bf Solution:\rm}; \begin{scope}[] \node[ white,rotate = 180,draw=blue,fill = blue!50!white!50!gray,rounded corners ] at( 3, -11.5 ) {%% \begin{minipage}{.75\textwidth} { \scriptsize \begin{itemize} \item 6-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$aromatic \item 10-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$aromatic \item 14-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$aromatic \item 4-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$anti-aromatic \item 2-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$aromatic \item 4-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$anti-aromatic \item 4-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$anti-aromatic \item 6-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, not conjugated$=>$anti-aromatic \item 2-$\pi-\mathrm{e^-}$, planar, conjugated$=>$aromatic,but not stable! \end{itemize} } \end{minipage} } ; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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