Sonntag, 18. August 2013

An NMR task:
The First NMR:
The Second NMR:
The Third NMR:
And the TikZ Source Code:



%% A Little NMR Quiz

%% Some Macro definitions

\node[ draw=blue,rounded corners,fill=blue!50!green,drop shadow ] (0,0) {
Find the right NMR spectra for the following three compounds:\\


%% benzaldehyde

%% Background stuff
\draw[fill=green!50!blue!50!white,opacity=0.7,rounded corners,drop shadow]%%

%% Some Styling
\tikzstyle{axesStyle}=[very thick,->,>={stealth}]

%% Coordinate Stuff
\coordinate (P0) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Px) at (12,0);
\coordinate (Py) at (0,11);

%% Draw the axes
\draw[axesStyle](P0) -- (Py);
\draw[axesStyle](P0) -- (Px);

%% Labeling of the axes
\node[rotate=-90] at (-0.3,5.5) {Intensity};
\node at (6,-0.7) {Shift[ppm]};

%% Draw the Peaks

\foreach \x in {0,1,2,...,11}
    \node at (\x,-0.3) {\x};
    \draw[very thick](\x,0.2)--(\x,0);


%% Ethyl propionate

%% Background stuff
\draw[fill=green!50!blue!50!white,opacity=0.7,rounded corners,drop shadow]%%

%% Some Styling
\tikzstyle{axesStyle}=[very thick,->,>={stealth}]

%% Coordinate Stuff
\coordinate (P0) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Px) at (12,0);
\coordinate (Py) at (0,11);

%% Draw the axes
\draw[axesStyle](P0) -- (Py);
\draw[axesStyle](P0) -- (Px);

%% Labeling of the axes
\node[rotate=-90] at (-0.3,5.5) {Intensity};
\node at (6,-0.7) {Shift[ppm]};

\draw[peakStyle] (\peakone,\intone) -- (\peakone,0);
\draw[peakStyle] (\peaktwo,\inttwo) -- (\peaktwo,0);
\draw[peakStyle] (\peakthree,\intthree) -- (\peakthree,0);
\draw[peakStyle] (\peakfour,\intfour) -- (\peakfour,0);
\foreach \x in {0,1,2,...,11}
    \node at (\x,-0.3) {\x};
    \draw[very thick](\x,0.2)--(\x,0);


%% acetone

%% Background stuff
\draw[fill=green!50!blue!50!white,opacity=0.7,rounded corners,drop shadow]%%

%% Some Styling
\tikzstyle{axesStyle}=[very thick,->,>={stealth}]

%% Coordinate Stuff
\coordinate (P0) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Px) at (12,0);
\coordinate (Py) at (0,11);

%% Draw the axes
\draw[axesStyle](P0) -- (Py);
\draw[axesStyle](P0) -- (Px);

%% Labeling of the axes
\node[rotate=-90] at (-0.3,5.5) {Intensity};
\node at (6,-0.7) {Shift[ppm]};

\draw[peakStyle] (2.2,7) -- (2.2,0);

\foreach \x in {0,1,2,...,11}
    \node at (\x,-0.3) {\x};
    \draw[very thick](\x,0.2)--(\x,0);



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